
Our vision is to give meaning and
purpose to work


Our mission is to create platforms that connect people with coaches, tools and technologies to help them realize their full potential.

Our History

On March 7, Patrick Mork, founder of LEAP, was fired from his position as Chief marketing officer at a respected company in Silicon Valley. That night, looking at his bedroom ceiling, he wondered how things had gotten so bad, so fast.

It was his fourth job in four years. Since leaving Google, where he had built and led the marketing team that created and launched the Google play brand. It seemed he had stumbled from one company to another each time unable to find himself or his way. After 10 years in Silicon Valley and in his 40s, he had hit a wall.

For the first time in his life, he simply didn’t know which way to turn, and after more than 20 years managing and building marketing teams, he came to a frightening conclusion: What had made him so successful so far simply didn’t work anymore. He needed to reinvent himself and find meaning and purpose. But how?

Patrick hired a coach and spent the next 9 months on a profound journey to find his purpose, reevaluate his values and figure out what was next in his life. It was during this time he found his own Vision:

“To be the magnetic energy that inspires people to find careers of meaning and purpose.”

And with that came a whole new chapter in Patrick’s life. He found coaching and coaching found him. He trained at the Coach Training Institute in California, got his first clients, and began helping executives face and overcome the same challenges he had faced during his career.

In 2018 Patrick’s ex-wife decided to return to her home in Chile and Patrick decided to start a whole new chapter in Santiago to honor his value of being a “good father” and to be there for his children.

His parents, family and friends thought he was crazy to move 13,000 kilometers away and give up his network, business and reputation to live in one of the most remote countries in the world.

But where others saw risk, Patrick saw opportunity – after all, how many people living in Chile had his experience and had traveled and seen the world? With no business connections, little money and no coaching experience in Chile, he started LEAP as a way of helping Chilean companies to reinvent themselves by creating cultures that empower their employees to do work that gives them meaning and purpose.

Today, just over a year later, LEAP’s clients include the CEOs and founders of several companies, among them:

NEC, Sparta, Beetrack, Talana, Grupo DNA, CleverIT, Meetcard / Neighbor Card just to name a few.

More importantly, he is doing work that is in line with his purpose, fills him with meaning and is making a difference at a very delicate time in Chile’s history just as the country is about to experience a dramatic change. But he remains optimistic, enthusiastic and encouraged because, as he always says:

There is no such thing as failure.

Only learning!

Our Values


We are authentic, we say things as they are, without sweetening them, only the pure truth. We are not your best friend, even if you see us that way. We are there to support you to be the best version of yourself and sometimes that can be uncomfortable.

Growth Mindset

We believe that anyone is capable of change if they want it badly enough. We have seen it and made it happen. Failure is part of learning and, as such, failure does not exist.


If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go with a team. Teamwork is essential to building lasting change. We reward the team over the individual.

The impossible is possible

Everything is impossible until someone proves it’s possible. We believe that the impossible becomes possible when you change your perspective and mentality. If you want it badly enough, visualize it, work for it and share it, you will get it in the end.


Our word is our bond. Without integrity there is no trust and without trust change is impossible, we honor our word once given and integrity is where lasting change begins.


Changing cultures is hard and painful. We are always looking for ways to serve our customers, our employees and our community. When we serve, we give back and make the world a better place.


Coaching is powerful. We know that we have an enormous influence on those we serve, which brings with it a great responsibility and that is why we always strive to remain humble. Our role is to serve others and help them realize their potential; we are servants, not judges. Coaching is our vocation.

The world is changing, Chile is changing and businesses have a massive role to play in helping to drive these changes. Business must be a force for good. Business leaders must show the way and lead by example, if you are ready to change your organization all it takes is one small step…

Because as we know, it takes many small steps to make a single, big LEAP.

We are here to serve you but that requires you to be brave enough to embrace change and want it. Now you just have to start by clicking the button below!